Dilvish Member


  • Like many people it is likely that you are approaching this as a short term thing rather than a lifestyle change. First off let me say electronic devices including Apple and Fitbit are inaccurate most of the time so they should not be relied upon. They should used as an estimate only. Second if you want to lose fat, make…
  • Careful. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when they try to lose weight. Burning calories through fitness isn't an exact science. The numbers you see fluctuate and are generally an estimate because no two people are the same. Fat content and muscle content in the body are what really determine burn rates. For…
    in Jog/Walk Comment by Dilvish April 2019
  • First off there are proven studies that state use of devices like fitbit are inaccurate most of the time and should not be relied upon. Second, unless you are accurately measuring your food (scales, cups etc.) guessing is not recommended. You'd be shocked to know that most guesses are way short of actual calories. Read…
  • Why is it that people typically ignore the fact that a lot of this commercial crap is actually bad for us and the environment? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/greener-laundry/ I personally switched to wool "dryer balls" for my laundry. In the case of pests, if you don't bother them. they won't bother you.…
  • The approach taken by holistic Doctors is merely one of "covering gaps". Multivitamins help fill in gaps that may be present in your current diet. This means you are using the vitamins as intended, as supplementsto an already diverse diet. You also have to wonder who paid for these studies. Many of them were done so by…
  • Unfortunately, as you get older and connective tissue becomes less taut, some of this dimpled fat is likely to be visible whether you’re in good shape or not. That's a medically proven fact. There are all kinds of wild treatments around but none that have been studied properly. You are doing what you can, exercising…
  • worrying about it is not the way to weight loss. Sustained weight loss takes time and patience. Just try to stick to your caloric goal and make sure you get enough protein. Protein is king when it comes to weight loss because the idea is to exercise using weights/resistance (and aerobic if you so chose). Building or toning…
  • At 22 all you should be doing is eating healthy nutritional foods and getting regular exercise. If you haven't already done so, cut out refined sugars, keep your sodium intake between 1600mg - 2300mg and incorporate weights/resistance into your exercise as muscle is 3 times more metabolically active. Try to avoid…
  • Why protein powder? Are you trying to bulk up? Yes protein is important in the weight loss arena but powders are normally used when there aren't enough choices to get it from food due to allergies or simply not liking a particular food. Otherwise, why not try something like powdered peanut butter? Or just stick to foods…
  • If you haven't already done so, cut back caffeine in all forms. Stay away from refined sugars and cut out all artificial sweeteners, especially in soda pop. Do not drink alcohol or smoke at least 3-4 hours before bed. Avoid large meals late in the evening. Regular exercise can also help. Studies show sedentary people have…
  • Stay away from packaged, processed and fast food. Keep sodium intake to 1600 - 2300 mg per day. Cut out refined sugar and eat meals you make from raw basics foods (meats, fish, poultry, veggies, grains). cut out soda pop including diet soda. Try to keep your intake of saturated fat to a minimum and when you cook use only…
  • Worrying about gaining weight is not emotionally sound. Sustained weight loss requires lifestyle changes not just caloric reduction. The problem many people like you face is that as soon as you start denying yourself enough food, the body reacts. If you aren't getting enough calories it won't matter how often you eat. Your…
  • Don't know what calculators you are using but based on your height, weight and age, even with a sedentary lifestyle (you haven't mentioned exercise) your "safe" caloric goal to lose weight is 1354. You may not be getting enough calories and hence your body tries to store fat because it's not getting enough nourishment.…
  • Snacking on healthy food can be just as disastrous as snacking on junk food. Sad but true...
  • Studies prove fitbit and other electronic fitness trackers are inaccurate most of the time and should not be relied on. Other than that 4lbs in a week is a bit extreme but it could potentially be water loss. Typically that happens when the body is essentially shocked by a considerable caloric reduction. You may have to…
  • Yup the only thing you are missing it seems is more regular exercise. Try to focus on that. Again even if it's genetic, aerobic exercise and some resistance exercise will go a long way in helping your numbers. It should aslo improve your sleep. Additionally, keep an eye on your sodium intake. That could be the reason you…
  • At your age, just stay away from processed (packaged) food and drink (except unsweetened juice) and get plenty of exercise, especially resistance (weights) exercises. Resistance exercise builds muscle but be sure to eat lots of healthy proteins like eggs, salmon or tuna (canned is fine), greek or SKYR style yogurt, pumpkin…
  • I would give some suggestions but then I think the bigger question is why are you on only 1200 calories per day? Are you petite? Typically a super low calorie diet always ends in overeating and regaining lost weight. That's been proven by a few studies. Sustained weight loss requires lifestyle/habit changes, not just…
  • As long as you eat healthy it's okay to eat junk in moderation, especially at your age. Just remember that processed foods contain so many unhealthy ingredients that weight gain is only one of many health issues that can come up as you age. Metabolic syndrome, Colitis, Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol,…
    in Tips pls! Comment by Dilvish April 2019
  • I think you may be missing something. Did it occur to you that many of your bloodwork results could be genetic? Even you stated in an earlier post that even skinny people can have high cholesterol. Something to consider. Clearly you are doing the right thing in altering your diet and it appears to be rather healthy but…
  • I am having the same problem but I recognize sustained weight loss is a lifestyle change and for me something I have to incorporate for the rest of my days, so I just keep logging my foods, keep exercising and watching what I eat. Most days I feel as though I'm just not satisfied and just keep eating. I also know that it…
  • this is a good place to start https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search/list However most packaged goods have a nutrition label, unless you bought it direct from the butcher. 4oz of boneless skinless chicken breast is approx. 150 calories, give or take 10 calories.
  • I don't log tea or coffee, but then I have maybe 2 or 3 cups a day. Drinking green tea has other health benefits too but be careful you don't overdo it. It's good you have cut back the caffeine, it can wreak havoc on your health over time. I'd suggest scaling back the green tea too as your amounts are a little excessive,…
  • Yup. water walking is way better for someone who is obese. Many recreational centres have at least one water walking lane. Forget the traditional bathing suit too. Most pools nowadays are okay with you wearing shorts and a t-shirt (with undergarments) as long as they are clean. Because of my legs (neuropathy) water…
  • I mix berries ( I opt for organic) with plain 3/4 cup of 2% SKYR or Greek style yogurt and mix in a couple of spoons of pumpkin seed kernels (roasted and salted taste better in the yogurt!). It is loaded with protein, has some carbs, vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is also low in fat but some fat is necessary with every…
  • Sure you can scarf down whatever you want as long as you are in your caloric range, but most people find that without lifestyle changes, ultimately the portions get bigger and bigger and before you know it you are eating the same as before. The problem with eating whatever you want is that typically it can be foods that…
  • Yup. They just trade off meat for vegetarian and try to draw more customers. A&W in Canada is doing the same thing. They offer both a burger and a breakfast sandwich that are "meatless". The big problem is, in order for it to taste "good" it is loaded with sodium (an 8oz patty has almost 800mg of sodium) and it contains 3…
  • Starvation mode is NOT a myth. It may be an improper term but it is a real condition so anyone who says otherwise is either lying or needs to speak with the scientists who have tested the theory. Read more here Aside from that, you are losing weight if your posted numbers are accurate (Start 111kg, current 109.5kg). You…
  • Careful that you don't rely too heavily on these devices or apps. Studies show "there are seemingly a limited number of situations where the device is likely to provide accurate measurement" This is according to the US National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30093371