

  • I'm eating only 600 calories on fast days (well, 650 actually). I do eat more due to my exercise, but that's only on non-fast days. This is gonna sound really unscientific, because it is, but from my meager experience (two fast days), it seems that taking in so few calories on the fast days shrinks your stomach a little,…
  • Thanks! It seems to be working well so far. Hope it works for you too.
  • Thanks. And good luck with that Insanity Workout. Looks like fun.
  • Two years, that's awesome. I finished my first fast day yesterday. It was a lot easier than I expected. My hunger was minimal, but then again I ate 600 kcal of vegetables, which is a ton of food. And it didn't interfere with my lifting, or my running (I ran 6 miles). I get that people see it as a fad diet, unsustainable,…