slmclellan Member


  • On a good week this is what my schedule looks like: Sunday - 60 minBody Pump (barbell) class and soccer game at night Monday - 45 min deep water running Wednesday - 60 min Kickboxing class Thursday - 30 minute pump class and 30 minute ab class Saturday - 60 minute pump class On a really good week I can add in a class on…
  • I went from about 220 down to 200 in about 3 months last year. I had my settings for 1.5 lbs per week and was allowed about 1550 calories a day. I started working out, did kickboxing twice a week and deep water running another day. Kicked up the exercise to 5 days a week and added a weight class and have dropped another…
  • I had never lost weight before this past year (the scale just steadily increased the past 20 years...). Since April I have lost just over 50 lbs, I use MFP and I started exercising on a regular basis! The biggest thing for me was portion control! I am not worrying about calories today, but I will be back to the gym and…
  • I don't reward with food either because I really haven't given anything up. I believe to be successful I have to learn to eat the treats in moderation. I would get new clothes, though you may want to wait until you are down 20lbs since you will really need new things then!
  • I have some chocolate!! I haven't totally given up anything because I don't believe it's realistic to live that way and I've still managed to lost 40 lbs in 6 months.
  • RICE is an acronym, it refers to rest, ice, elevation, compression and is used usually for acute injuries. Heat is probably better for sore muscles.