Ok I am so up in the air on what to do now!! I was planning on getting Mirena, I don't need it for the birth control purp since my husband is fixed. I just need it cause my periods are sooo bad, the cramps leave me on the couch for 3 days!!!. I haven't beeon on any birth control for 3 months now and I really don't mind it…
Thank you very much!!, I just wasent sure if I maybe I was reading it wrong or what one I should go by.
Thank you that is a very good tip!!! I do tend to eat alot away from the table!!!
I think I am a cold turkey kind of person!!! I have been drinking alot of Crystal light, I can' just drink plain water, but the crystal light is good. I will poor a glass after dinner and drink that, THe only problem I have been having is I will still snack!!.
Thank you everybody for your input!! every little bit helps. I think my worst times are from 7-9 !! so I just need to find something, and if I can just stick with it then it won't be as hard!!. I do like the idea of having snacks that I dont eat!. I do very well at logging on every day on this site but it don't help when I…
thank you everybody!!!
I can see it in your belly good job!!!
Thank you I did see that turbo jam but i wasen't sure if it was the same since mine isn't kickboxing??
what is bumping??
I have had the sweet tea and it was pretty good. Kind of expensive, they do have coupons out there. I am one one to just drink plain water so I am always getting the sugar free tea packets and adding them to my water.