

  • I'm back down to a 33 jean from a 35" waist. I'm down to about 196/197 lbs and 6'2". to Get to a 32" I'd have to be at 185-190 but that's just how I carry my weight. It's a good goal! Get a FitBit Flex. It's helped me more than anything and syncs with MFP.
  • what's your goal?
  • Whatever you eat, be it Cheese, Chicken or Twinkies, log it and keep under your calorie count goal. Some foods require more calories to process than others, but this is minimal. The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to…
    in CHEESE? Comment by jnewberry81 July 2014
  • notice that you have 0 pounds lost. lol
    in CHEESE? Comment by jnewberry81 July 2014
  • Get an order of 6, with a water / tea / diet soda and a crap ton of celery / carrot sticks. 20 wings is as many calories as you probably burn in a day. Anything All You Can Eat is a bad idea.
  • I weigh myself everyday, at the same time. I have a FitBit Aria scale so it auto updates MFP and tracks my progress. Well worth the investment.
  • Herbalife is EXPENSIVE. There's only one way to lose weight, calorie deficiency. You can do it with herbalife, but it's cheaper just to use regular food. Replace Spark with a cold brew coffee Replace shakes with sensible meals that are sub 600 calories. Eat a banana with some coffee for breakfast. buy a FitBit tracker and…
  • You have to live a little. This is a once a year deal. You can make it up in like 3-4 days. No worries at all.
  • Sodium is pretty hard especially when you eat out. If you up your water intake it should help flush it out even though you'll retain some water weight.
  • You can easily get through your day on 1200 food calories if you're eating large volumes of vegetables. Just make sure you're full, but not full of high density calories. When you're hungry is when things get off track. Keep it up!