

  • Oh that's great to hear. I haven't seen my doctor in about a year and a half, but I know that I can't take medicine with hormones in them because they have caused blood clots in my legs. But it is awesome to hear that you are feeling a lot better, I am hoping that losing the weight will help me to feel better
  • It's ok. Hmm maybe your personal doctor would be better to set you a calories goal because im sure this is all statistics on here. I have recently realized that I am a bored eater I don't eat that much in general I mostly eat when I am bored.
  • Thank you very much I will definitely have to look into them.
  • Sorry, I haven't responded yet. According to this I am set for a 2850 calories in take. But I weigh quite a bit.
  • Thank you, that was very helpful.and I will look into that.
  • i agree im not a big fan of exercise either. i drink water most of the time, bit it gets boring after a while lol. when i was younger i stayed out side from dusk to dawn and was always doing something from swimming to skating to horseback riding you name it outside thats where we were and all the kids i hung out with…