MeganZeman Member


  • Thanks everyone! I think we are all going to go through our clothes this weekend. I'll make a box of stuff that is clearly too large(most likely consisting of those awkward "oh I had a baby a while ago.... but I can't bear to wear maternity pants any longer" clothes) then send it on its merry way.
  • 60 done :) Anyone have an interesting topic of conversation to add to tonight's postings? How about, what has been your favorite physical characteristic that you have noticed transform during your fitness journey thus far. For me, now that I've lost a little of the weight, I am so happy to see that I have a sharper jaw…
  • That CSA sounds great! Also, I personally don't like kale in my smoothies because I can never really get it completely smooth... but I still make me kids drin it. Isn't that terrible, where is my leading by example? I won't but you have to! lol I feel like spinach works better ....anyone have advice on how to make their…
  • great job :smile: and feel better :frown:
  • Hi all, I just completed my 55. I used to work in a little locally owned natural foods store and there were several veggies I saw that I wanted to try but never actually did. I have never had golden beets which I think look lovely. I have also never tried beauty heart radishes which also look beautiful and much more…
  • Hi all. I just completed my 50. When I get frustrated I usually vent it all out to my husband or I call my mom (two of the best listeners on the planet). And I cry. A really good cry does feel good every now and again :)
  • Eww, I did them late today. Just did them quick and nothing fancy. My goal for this week is to have absolutely nothing to eat after 7:00 pm. I usually have calories left over at night....and then I just use them up when the kids are in bed.... "Oh hey, I worked out for 45 minutes today, that means I can have a muffin and…
  • Hi there. I too am working my way through Insanity. Almost done with week 5. I was having trouble with my ankles a couple weeks ago mainly during jumps and I had to stop wearing my cowboy boots :( I am currently on Cardio Core and Balance/ Recovery Week. This week has helped elevate all of the pain because it is lower…
  • This sounds good, I just need to think about the logistics. I may not be able to join you in the challenge on Mondays and Fridays. But I think I'd be up for it on all other days!
  • Haven't lost any weight this week, but still feeling good. Congratulations ladies!! You gals rock!
  • Hello! I am a mother of 3 kiddos, 4, 3 and 1. I'm 30 years old and just reached my pre- pregnancy weight however I still have more to go to reach my new goal. I'll be your friend :)
  • Just completed my 40 squats with a 35 lb weight. I think I'm going to have to pitch the weight on Monday, I could feel my form slipping. It was a busy day today, helped friends stack wood, raked wood chips and yard debris, baked pumpkin muffins, made coconut curried butternut squash soup, and played with the kids. I'm a…
  • Good evening ladies :) And great job everyone! In honor of our 35 squats I did 35 weighted squats with a 35 lb plate. In regards to my goal weight I guess I don't really have an official one because it has changed a little but I think 135 would be amazing. Another goal I have would be to run a half marathon in the not too…
  • What a poop head! I got that the very fist day that I decided to make a difference in my health. It was my first jog in about 2 years and I was running/shuffling down town and an entire group of men drinking in a beer garden laughed at me. I was so mad! What made me the most upset was what if I was someone who has never…
  • I did my squats today as a combination of power squats, squat pulses, and power jacks. My favorite veggie? That is a tough question.... currently my favorite vegetable is pumpkin (tis the season) although technically it is a fruit. But I am using it in everything right now. Peanut butter and pumpkin dip for apples, pumpkin…
  • Power squats! Killed 'um!
  • My cousin started a few weeks ago and she seems to like it I also think she plans to repeat it. She has 2 small boys, she's a nurse and goes to school so she doesn't have tons of time which makes the videos really great for her. She has already lost some inches. She also drinks shakeology.... I have no idea if that is part…
  • Add me, I'm nice :) I'm 30 and trying to get fit for a few reasons. Sure I want to lose some weight but I also want more energy so I can keep up with my 3 little kids. I work out at home for about 50 minutes a day. It's the eating that's really tough on me. I LOVE FOOD. Plus, I feel like since I'm currently a stay at home…
  • You can add me, I only have 1 fitness pal, lol! I'm not very proactive in looking for buddies and I should be. I too workout at home, right now I'm working on the Insanity 60 day program, you can find all the details online.... but I'm too cheap to buy it so I just watch other people complete the routines on youtube and I…
  • I don't know if this will help very much as I was a wee babe when I met my husband but I'll share my experience with you all the same. My older brother introduced me to his college roommate when I was 17. I knew he had to be a good guy if my brother was pulling for us so I gave it a shot. We've been together for 12 years,…