

  • It is interesting. I just read the other day about how sugary drinks make you hungrier for more, so I can definitely see the correlation. Not only is it generally more fattening, but makes you crave more sugar so it adds more and more.
  • You are attempting to do two different things, so you are going to be eating differently. I would recommend cooking for him, but eating it in moderation. However, you can't cook the same food for him and for you if you are going to try to cook both something with high carbs and low carbs. Its contradicting. My only guess…
  • I completely understand! If I skipped my family would probably divorce me. :) I recommend dropping by. Its not just about the food. It is also a time where families get to spend time with eachother. Eat before so that you can say that you are not hungry and have already eaten. If they get upset about you not eating there,…
  • I lost about 60-70 lbs two years ago. (Unfortunately, I gained it all back which is why I am trying again.) Female, 5'11", I weighed about 255 in the beginning. I ran it off and taekwondo'ed it off down to 180. :) After losing 10 lbs, then 15, then 20, I would look in the mirror and not notice anything. However, other…
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