

  • I am sorry for what you are going thru. i know how you feel . i was beginning to think i was just not eating right or exercising enough. but i have doubled up on my exercise and and eating only between 1200 and 1400 calories a day and i just cannot lose any weight. it it really depressing. the only thing i know to do is to…
  • I have been in perimenopause since i was 39. i am 44 now and i can handle everything about it but the weight gain. i can look at food and i jumps on me. i have a spare tire that just keeps getting bigger no matter what i do. it is really depressing. :explode:
  • I have always been overweight, at my heaviest i was 252 pounds and i decided that enough was enough and i started walking 2 miles a day, 6 days a week i was eating between 1200 and 15 calories a day and in a year i got down to 195 pounds and i was so proud of myself, i felt so good for the first time in years.…