Piperx222 Member


  • You can add me! I have 2 little boys (3&1). I started at 243 (dang!) and am now around 173, hoping to get to about 140. I think the last time I weighed this amount I was in high school lol.
  • Hi, I'll send you a request. I'm on here all the time!
  • Hi, 36 and a WAHM of 2 little boys. I'm down about 70 with 40 to go. The MFP community has been a huge help keeping me stay motivated! Anyone who wants to support each other, feel free to add me!
  • Hi, congrats on the weight lost so far, your doing awesome! I'm a mom of 2 little boys (3 and 1 years) and work from home with them. Have lost about 70 so far with about 40 to reach my ultimate goal. I'll send you a request. I'm on here all the time. The MFP community has been a big help for me to stay motivated and keep…
  • Feel free to add me, I'm the queen of emotional eating but working on getting that under control!
  • It can be frustrating, especially when you never know from one day to the next if its going to be a good day or bad one. Don't feel like you are letting anyone down though. I have Lupus and there are days that I can't eat enough to make the app happy lol. Take care of yourself and feel better! Add me or msg me if you need…
  • Hi, I've been struggling for years trying to manage my lupus and weight. Was actually in remission for a while but that didn't last. Hoping to stay low on the meds
  • Hi, I had just over 100 to lose when I started, I'm almost 70 down now (happy dance!). I'm always looking for more people to help motivate and stay motivated myself. I'll send you a friend request. Anyone else is welcome too! ☺
  • Incredible! Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment!!!!
  • Hi, I'm 5'1, mom of 2 little boys. My ultimate goal is to loose about 100 lbs, currently down about 65. I've struggled with my weight for most of my life. Add me B)
  • Not yet 40 but is closing in lol! My youngest just turned 1 and I have a 3 year old also. Finding the balance with kids, home, job and yourself can be daunting. I work out as I can, I have Lupus so it can be a challenge sometime.Trying to lose the weight so I can keep up with the little balls if energy! Feel free to add…
  • At my start I had 100 to lose, down 60 so far. Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for people with similar goals to help motivate each other!
  • Same thing happened to me. I did great with not gaining much during me pregnancy and by my 2 week post appt I lost all but 3 pounds. After that is when things went to crap. Too tired to care about what I was eating, unable to exercise for a few months due to some delivery complications, the weight just piled on. So…
  • Hi, I'm a work from home mom of 2. Lost a lot in the past before having my kids and now am back at it. I have about 80 left to go. Always looking for people with similar goals to join me!
  • I weigh in once a week or bi-weekly. Helps keep me motivated and know if what i'm doing is working or not. I've been keeping my carb count low and trying, TRYING to cut out the sugar (sugar is my weakness LOL). Good luck on your journey, just keep at it and it will happen :)
  • I was able to lose about 100 a few years back and then babies and life happened and I'm back doing it again. Add me if you're looking for support :)
  • Hi, I'm in the same boat, started back on the healthy eating and exercising a couple weeks ago. I have a 3 year old and an 8 month old and work from home (naps, nights, weekends as the boys allow). I would get so run down that I would just grab anything to keep me going - sugar is my weakness not to mention now that I'm…
  • Welcome! I had lost about 100 lbs a few years back but gained a lot of it back during and after having my kids. I'm back at it and the best advice I can give it don't look at it like a diet, a life style change. If you restrict yourself too much, too fast it won't stick. Be thoughtful about the choices you make but don't…
  • Hi, I'm starting my weight loss journey again. Had lost a significant amount of weight a few years ago and then life, including my amazing 2 children happened :) @Terrorsita except my oldest is a boy, I could have written every word of your post LOL. Having buddies on MFP definitely helped me start losing the weight before…
  • I'm back on track after having my 2nd son, still have around 100 lbs left to go. Feel free to add me!
  • @uoflgirl89 I did, thank you! Anyone can feel free to add me too. When I came back to MFP after having my little guy none of my friends were active anymore so I cleaned house and am looking for a group of active and supportive people to do this with. Definitely helped me the first time around :)
  • I'm starting back again and am determined to make it stick this time. I've got about 100 to lose too. One thing that I have learned to try to remember is that there are going to be bad days that I fall back into bad habits or over indulge but the difference is that this time I'm not going to let it derail me. Good luck!…
  • I had lost about 100 several years ago and unfortunately gained most of it back. Trying to get back on track and stay motivated myself. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • I'm very much a stress and emotional eater. I very much struggle with self control, especially since having my 2 boys and started working from home with the boys - the kitchen is right there... ugh. When I start feeling like I'm going to binge and eat things not healthy it's not so much what I say to myself but what I do.…
  • Welcome! I've been on here a few months and the support really helps! I still have about 70 I would like to lose. Anyone can feel free to add me. We're all in this together :)
  • Anyone can feel free to add me also. I lost about 100lbs a few years ago but sadly gained a huge chunk of it back. Been back on track for a couple months and have about 75 more to go. This time I'm I'm never going back :)
  • It definitly adds to the calories of the food. I'm not sure if this is very accurate but what I do is measure (the best I can) the amount of oil / butter I'm using to cook in the pan and divide it by how many portions (since the majority is absorbed by the breading). Like I said, not sure how accurate I am by doing that…
  • So sorry to hear about your loss :( I'm 34 too and my recent miscarriage (June) was what triggered me to start getting serious about my weight too. I decided that I was going to kick by butt in gear (literally) and get healthy and hopefully be better off when we get pregnant again to not gain too much unhealthy weight…
  • A little fat free (usually french vanilla) creamer in my coffee. I generally crave a cup in the afternoon so I opt for decaf :happy:
  • I have about 75lbs left and am very much looking for support myself. I'll send you a request :)