

  • I switched to a gluten-free diet back in July and it's made a world of difference in terms of my fatigue. It was a really hard change because I'm a carb addict! But it's been worth it. It took about 4-6 weeks for me to notice the difference, but it was a big one. Before going GF, I usually had at least 1 day per week when…
  • I decided to risk the elliptical today for the first time in two months. I tried to take it easy but still wound up with pain in my legs and hips, but I think it was the particular machine that I used (it had a different ramp angle that put a lot of stress on my calves). Hopefully it won't trigger a full flare-up though. I…
    in Hi! Comment by drchanequa January 2012
  • My situation is pretty similar. A few years ago, I shed 35 pounds and kept it off for about 1-1/2 years with regular exercise. Then at the end of 2010, I began having really bad pain and fatigue, which my doctor suggested might be fibromyalgia. The health issues, along with some pretty big life transitions, put a stop to…
    in Hi! Comment by drchanequa January 2012
  • I just went back and re-read your initial post and thought of something else that I could add: My natural hair stylist advised that most African Americans only need to wash their hair every few weeks, unless it's really getting dirty. And sweat is not dirt, so even if you're working out pretty vigorously, at most you'll…
  • Have you tried co-washing? It's a little easier in the warmer months, but it'd probably help keep your hair moisturized. And I second the Shea Moisture products. I also like Taliah Waajid.
  • Water aerobics and yoga so far. I love the elliptical too, but haven't been able to do it lately because of chronic pain issues. But I'm hoping to get back on it soon.
  • Hi everyone. My name is Chanequa. I just joined the group this morning and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm married with a 3-year-old and am a university professor. I've struggled with weight issues for much of my adult life. About two years ago, my husband and I did the Medifast diet and I lost 35 pounds. I kept it off…