vaaimee Member


  • I am on a combination of Synthroid (137 mcg) and Cytomel (5mcg x2), and it really works well for me. I seem to always have low T3 levels, so that is the reason my endo added the Cytomel. I also take it twice a day, 5 mcg in the morning and 5 in the afternoon
  • Just wanted to share that I went BACK on my Snythroid/Cytomel combination. Since we were just trying Armor to see if it made any difference in my labs, I just gave up. I was feeling terrible on the Armor even with the 2 grain dose, and I was worried that it was going to take all summer to figure out what the right dose…
  • My doctor recommended the change. My TSH is actually very low (normal), but so is my T3 (well below the normal range)! And I continue to have mild symptoms -- numbness in all my joints, exhaustion and just general bad mood. She started me on a total of 90 mg of Armour (I think that is 1 1/2 grains) split into a morning and…