You look amazing!! Thank you for the post. I'm like right where you started at and that gives me a lot of hope. I completely agree with you when it comes to the sweets and wines. I would always quit my diets because of cravings and absolutely NO WILL POWER lol. Plus, my boyfriend and I love to eat out on occasion. I…
I've been trying to figure that out too. I entered every single work out that I could in the video during that 30 minutes, and it totaled about 96 calories. For some reason, there's no calories subtracted when entering strength exercises. I just decided to treat it like I'm not working out and keep my calories around…
I started on 5/25 and I took off three days, today being my day 7. My starting weight was 167. I've lost about two pounds and have not been strict about calorie counting, just trying to keep it in mind, and think before I eat. My friends and boyfriend swear they can already see a difference. I'm going to try not to take…