

  • Hi! I know what you mean about the "getting too busy" issue. I'm 25 and in the same boat, actually have been for a while.Congrats on putting your foot down and being determined to get healthier! I honestly think that is the hardest part of any of this. Keep that mindset and if possible, try to workout while your boyfriend…
  • Feel free to add me! I'm on here everyday and have noticed such a difference since talking with others on here that are also trying to get healthier. Good luck on your new journey :) .
  • As many others have suggested, crockpot meals. It will become your best friend, lol! Seriously though, when I was getting rid of 40 lbs of baby weight last year, it made it so much easier because I didn't have to worry about working out and fixing supper. It was already done! :) Pinterest is probably one of the best things…
  • Feel free to add me. I've been with this for a little over a month and have noticed such a difference since meeting new people!
    in Newbie! Comment by bshipman89 July 2014
  • You're more than welcome to add me! I've been trying really hard this time around to stay with a plan. Thankfully I have a hubby that's trying to get back in shape also, but it would be so nice to know some other women who are doing the same thing I am.
  • Hi! we're kind of in the same boat. I haven't been using MFP for too long. Good luck on your goal! :)
  • Hi, I'm right there with you. I'm a SAHM and full time student trying to get in better shape. I've been using MFP consistently for about a month. I'd love to make some friends who are looking at the same goal as me (getting healthier).