Jaye_27 Member


  • Brilliant thank you very much for your help! :)
  • Thank you for your reply. Just to clarify because I forgot to say it before, my TDEE isn't 1560cals, that figure is in fact my TDEE with a 15% reduction (cut value). So does this mean I should be eating the 1560cal as it's actually a cut value? And so are my calculations okay? Sorry to be a bother, maths isn't my strong…
  • Hello! I'm new to all this (especially the forum thing) so I'm sorry if this is a bit awkward... I worked out my TDEE as 1560 a day (I'm 5'2 and weigh 156lbs, and am currently doing around 90mins of cardio a week but looking to up that/include strength exercises. My target weight is around 133lbs). I've set my projected…