piscean2764 Member


  • I don't if you are aware, but the dukan diet only requires you to do 20 min in attack or 30 min in cruise of walking and certainly no more than one hour of exercise in any one day. When you are exercising vigourously you are required to modify your dukan diet to include a limited amount of carbohydrates. Here is a snippet…
  • You know that you can eat other proteins and even if you exceed the recommended 1200 calories, you will lose weight. in fact the more lean protein you eat (in regular small doses- i.e. not getting over full but satisfied) the more weight you will lose because your body uses more energy to digest protein than any other…
  • if you want to send an invitation, I will accept it.
  • I have! I am still on it. You must do the minimum exercise of 20 min walking or 30 mins after you have passed the starting stage. Good luck! IT WORKS!