DATE: Aug 1, 2011 Calorie Goal: 2110 Calories Eaten: 1480 Exercise Calories: 494 64 Oz water: Y Daily Exercise Challenge: Y - 100 Jumping Jacks done
Way to go Jeannette. You are so right and I think you are approaching and doing the right things to get where you want to be. This journey is long and not a race. We are here to encourage and lean from one another! Now let's kick this out!!!
SW - 212.8 GW - 200 Hey everybody, I am so pumped up to start this. Well my name is Monique and I have been so encouraged MFPers. This is my first challenge. Stay on me and Let's go hard!!!
Sign me up!
OMG!!! You look absolutely fabulous!!! Way to go and stick to your goals you have set for yourself. Continued success on your last 24 lbs!!! Keep being an inspiration to us and all you come in contact with.
You look awesome!! Enjoy the moments of the wedding and dance a lot!!!
Don't give up!!!! It is a process, take one day at a time. Don't worry about what people say. Stay focused on getting your health in order. Yes it is hard! Five days is a a wonderful start!!! You don't have to do this alone, We are here for you and to encourage you. We have all been there at some point. Getting healthy is…
I'll do what I can to motivate and encourage you to your goal. It helps when you have a partner or partners. MFP has some really great people on here and are willing to help. The key is to stay focused as much as possible. We all have our off days but getting back on the horse is what it's all about. Feel free to add me
Great job! You look awesome. Keep up the good work because you going to need all the energy you can get to keep up your son. He's so cute.
You are definitely on the right track. You are going to the gym to exercise for one. Two, don't start comparing yourself or body to anyone else. You are UNIQUE! We are all made differently for a reason. Focus on the positives! Take one step at a time and One day at a time. Keep using us as an outlet but don't throw the…