

  • To me it doesnt matter if diet soda is worse for me than regular soda, they are both completely empty calories and harmful to your body over all. I drank a 12 pack a day for 9 years and once I started my current diet and exercise plan I stopped drinking it completely. I have never had a craving for it. I do catch myself…
  • The only thing that I can think of at the moment is that coming in under 1200 calories is kind of low if you are 250lbs, you may be setting your system into starvation mode. You burning pretty much every calorie which you bring in. You may want to up your calorie intake a bit to see if it restarts the weight loss. Your…
  • You are being realistic to want to see a change in 8 weeks yes, however will you have chiseled abs in 8 weeks, more than likely not. Do not give up on the idea and keep working at it. The hardest problem to over come with your abs is that the body tends to store body fat in this location and it tends to be the last place…