

  • I was given a bag of shakology by a friend who for health reasons couldnt drink it any longer. Like so many of you, i gagged. I have been using protein shakes as a breakfast for YEARS..... My favorite is Vanilla VEEMA. It too has a lot of the health benefits and the price per bag is $50. Too me, $50 is a high price but I…
  • I have not tried it, but i know a gal who did. She lost a lot of weight. However she did have some horrible incidents where she pooed herself. However, she has a job that she could run home and take care of the problem. Unlike her, I have a normal office job that would not allow me such privilages. If i pooed myself I…
  • PRUNES PRUNES AND MORE PRUNES. As a child my mom force fed them to me to keep me regular. Now at the age of 38 I am eating them all my own. Check it out - do the research. They are one of the only SUPERFRUITS out there. They are good for you in every way! And since i started eating prunes - with exercise - and healthy…
  • Maybe to many carbs??? Maybe you need smaller meals. I started right after New Years and am down 20lbs. I stay in my calorie range. I try to eat 6 times a day. Breakfast - a kids cliff bar. Snack - orange and maybe some almonds. Lunch - something around 300 calories. Afternoon snack a fruit and some more almonds or a small…
  • 150, thats not bad and totally doable! Stay with it, keep blogging, keep accounting for you calroies - stay with this website. It has helped me loose 20lbs it will help you get to that gorgeous 125.:smile:
    in Hello! Comment by dbarcelona March 2010