

  • I have not tried it yet because I have the powder that I got from. I actually get all my herbs from there How ever swanson has a bunch of good things and you may want to check into bladderwrack. Any herb that is a thermogenic will help to boost your…
  • I was actually told by three drs and my pt therapist to get a pair of these. Because it helps to straighten your posture and it also helps your back and many other things. I had a problem with the shape ups because they were so bulky so i found the sketchers Liv shoes and i love them! They are so light and comfy and if…
  • They actually have sections where it says light house work ect. I actually was using another app i think livestrong where when i went out to eat and i put in what i wanted to eat it told me what i would have to do to burn the calories like a hour of shoveling or two hours on the treadmill. There are some things we can do…