

  • Good for you, keep going and , try to look at is as eating healthy rather than dieting you never feel deprived then. Good luck.
  • Hi Sarah Keep going you will do it. I'm also loving how easy it is to keep track of what you eat, but that is nothing compared to the excitement of putting in your weight and watching the losses grow, bring it on. H
  • Hi Kathy I started two weeks ago and for once have found something that suits my lifestyle, it is so easy to just record everything you, the first week i didnt lose an ounce but after 10 days i had lost 3lb, like you i would like to lose 30lb by the end of May for my holidays. Hope this keeps you motivated, keep going girl…
  • Hi all I only joined the site on Tuesday last but would love to join in with this group, even if it means i have to admit that i am in the 40+ group. Need lots of help and motivation, after giving up smoking 15 months ago i have let my weight get out of control, using the not smoking as an excuse to eat anything and…
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