

  • :smile: I can do it, I know I can, just have no support and can't motivated
  • Starting tomorrow, scare that I will failed, I want to lose 112 pounds by Dec 31st...No one wants to exercise with me, can't afford to go a gym or I would be there everyday
    in New Comment by kathyjlewis June 2008
  • Thank u:smile:
  • Well I am 50, and my daughter is 26...It is hard when you have no support and all you hear is the negatives....So starting June 8th, I will be working out starting with walking and thank u for your words of encouragement
  • Hi. 2 yrs ago I had cancer, and had to be put on steroids. Well I am cancer free, and 110 over weight I use to weigh 135 pds I can't going anymore and when I get upset I eat: I need to lose , my blood pressure is up and down and I want to bean example for my daughter sad: :sad: