I haven't been put on any meds yet for my prolactin levels. Since I also have hypothyroidism, my PCP thinks that may be giving me high prolactin levels, so for now I am just on thyroid meds. However, I do go see an Endocrinologist in August (earliest appointment for a new patient), and I'm not really sure what he will do.…
Hi Everyone! I was always the cute but chubby kid, teenager, adult..ect. My mother signed me up for what I refer to as "fat camp" when I was 15 and sent my father with me. I was always active playing sports, soccer, softball, basketball and dance. At one point in high school I was playing on three softball leagues at a…
So I took it upon myself to stop the birth control. It isn't medically necessary and between my hypothyroidism and a prolactin level of 45 I haven't had a menstral cycle in months anyway. I stopped last Wednesday and since then, I have had NO swollen feet, and MORE energy. So far it looks like I may be one of the few that…
I called my pharmacist, who recommended going off BC. My PCP says my thyroid med may have to be raised higher than normal to compensate, but it should be fine. My gyno said he has plenty of people on both and it should be fine. I am going to stop the BC for a month and see if the symptoms get better. Who knows, maybe I am…
Wow thanks for all the responses! I had previously found the stopthethyroidmadness website in my searches and did learn a lot from it. From a lot of horror stories on that website I have found that I have a great PCP who doesn't shrug off symptoms or suggestions, which seems to be a lot of people's issue. The only problem…