

  • Thank you all so much for your thoughts and sharing your stories. I guess I am having a hard time redefining just who I am now. In the last 4 years I feel I have just gotten OLD. I have to wear glasses to read, I gained 30lbs in 3 months, I am now closer to 50 than 40, divorced and find out I have to take medication for…
  • Thank you all SOOO much for your responses they have given me a lot of food for thought (no cals involved lol). I haven't gone to an endocrinologist yet because they won't made one with you unless you have more going on than low blood tests. I do get my blood work evaluated every 6 months. I have went from 100mg down to…
  • @ Cad, WAY too funny. I am 46, single and an Aircraft/Jet Engine Performance Analyst for the Air Force/DoD
  • 25, long distant relationship and owns an artisan shop on Esty
  • I have Hypothyroidism and I live in fear of everything I put into my mouth. I have found a wonderful man and happiness is fattening.
  • I hate to say this and to do them, but PLANKS PLANKS PLANKS. I work out with a trainer 5 days a week and PLANKS are the best bang for your AB workouts. I also take one of those big balls and start with it between my feet just off the floor (laying on my back). Then i lift my legs and transfer it to my hands. You then lower…