DeeEFC Member


  • Hey! Congrats on your pregnancy first of all! I had my daughter 5 months ago and I'm sure it's different for every new Mum but I struggled to get back into a fitness routine until quite recently. I didn't have that much of a problem in eating healthily as I wanted to cut out the junk food whilst I was pregnant so I kinda…
  • Hey! I'm 27 and a new mum on a weight loss mission! Feel free to add! :)
  • Hey guys! I'm 27, a new Mum and on operation shift baby weight so feel free to add me and maybe we can help each other out! :)
  • I agree...Wii Active is great. Before I started using the game, I was so unfit and started the 30 Day Challenge and afterwards, I felt a lot fitter and better for it. There are also different difficulty settings too and you can create your own workouts too! I only have good things to say about it! I recently bought the Wii…
  • Hi! I'm new too so feel free to add me! X
    in New here Comment by DeeEFC April 2011