TheOtherSideOfFood Member


  • You know your eating good quality food when your full after 800 calories! To answer your question, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Your body is a better indicator of hunger and satiety than a mathemtical equation that is basically a guestimate of how many calories your supposed to eat a day :) Are you working out too? what kind of workout?
  • Hello, I have always found cheat days to keep me paced for long term results. Keep in mind that any changes in your diet will force you to change your behaviors as well. For example, if you dont eat breakfast and you plan on eatting someonething healthy in the morning, you really have to learn about 5 new behaviors…
  • Your absolutely on the right track. Even though Cage Free and Grass Feed are more paleo than what you have access to you, if your improving the quality of the food your eating your on the right path :) BABY STEPS It amuzes me up how many people advertise themselves as going Paleo but have never been on any sort of health…
  • Hi there, I wouldnt focus on strictly counting calories as a means to losing weight. I would start with indentifying your bad habits and changing only a couple per week. i.e. Not eating breakfast -> eating a protein bar -> cooking eggs This is gradual and will help you in the long term :) Hop this helps. Chris
  • Hi there, I would start by performing compound lifts (multi-muscle exercises) such as bench press, squat, and deadlift to start engaging those muscles. Since you are not used to resistance training this will condition your body for more, "muscle building" techniques :) -Chris