

  • Thank you everyone for all the responses!! My food counting is mostly an estimate on portion size. But the kind of food is pretty much spot on. The only think I haven't taken account for is my coffee habit. That could also explain the excess water retention. I'm not yet ready to give up on the coffee yet, but I should cut…
  • Thanks Kalikel! I did see a doctor before I started this..he gave me the OK and the normal speech of do things in moderation. I'm honestly not too sure how much I trust doctors in general though. Usually when they see an overweight person come in....they say loosing weight is the cure all for just about everything. maybe…
  • Being able to do some of the exercises that some have posted helps, but in my opinion, it's not necessary. Stick with it and you will get there. I can not do a burpee. Instead I do a modified one with a box. I don't go all the way to the ground yet..I use the box for support. I can hang from a pull up bar, but can't do a…
  • Hey Derek, I'm very new here but I figured I would chime in on this post. I am very overweight. I joined a local crossfit box about 3 months ago and I have to say it is the best thing I've ever done!!!! When I first walked into the door to talk to them I was weighing in at about 450lbs. 3 months in, and as of this morning,…