

  • No one flirts with me on here. I think its because I have like 2 male friends on my page and they are both married! No flirting with them AT ALL. Maybe i can find some cuties on here to flirt with! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Be excited. Be Elated. You are a Queen that decided that she would change her lifestyle and had done so and done well. It will only get better if you focus on the task at hand. I have been going through the same thing and I haven't even lost nearly as much as you so, lets keep it up! We deserve it!
  • That's amazing (tears in my eyes) I'm so ready for this change! God bless you.:happy:
  • My feet getting smaller. When I found out your feet lose weight also, I was all in. No more size 13 shoes. I just want to be an 11. I would be satisfied. I'm 5'11" if anyone is wondering.
  • In reality, normal people who are healthy do think about the things that go in their mouths. We have become so accustomed to the laziness of not paying attention to it so that in turn becomes normal. We are all here to support each other. If it wasn't for this site, I think I would have convinced myself last week that this…
  • Ladies, like me, you just started. I don't want that to discourage you. I even said I wont even weight myself until i'm a month in so I wont sike my mind out and get myself disappointed.
  • I was on my first week of dieting and I went to a BBQ on Saturday. I was really proud of myself because when everyone was piling their plates sky high, I indulged a lot less and didn't overdo the servings of of potato salad, baked beans and mac and cheese. The meats were awesome. I did get a small piece of beef, a couple…
  • WONDERFUL! :cry: