tlathen Member


  • Luckily today is a new day and for once, I actually measured out my portions at breakfast. Turns out, I'm not as good at eyeballing a tablespoon of almond butter as I thought I was! Oops, haha.
  • Thanks, guys. I know 10 pounds isn't anything to freak out about. I just don't want those 10 pounds to multiply ;) Thanks for the encouragement, and y'all are right. At this point, it's mostly mental. (And not buying the junk. I have no self control past 10pm, haha)
  • I like adding Mio to mine. Cheery Mio in plain yogurt is all kinds of delicious!
  • I'm another vote for just plain coffee. I used to turn my nose up at it unless it was loaded with cream and sugar. Then I realized it was silly to drink my calories when I could eat them instead, lol
    in Coffee! Comment by tlathen October 2012