

  • I was just thinking. Another thing that helps me is to put everything I will eat at one meal on a normal sized plate and eat that several times a day if calorie counting is difficult for you. Most of the time I do not know what I am eating because i will eat a little and then eat more and then get a little more. Seeing…
  • For me it is getting rid of trigger foods and eating whole foods. I cannot have my binge foods in the house, like cheese, cookies, cake, pizza, peanut butter. That is the only way to maintain my weight. To lose I need support and motivation through meetings and going deeper spiritually. I am doing Weight Watchers meetings…
  • This may sound silly, but I will know when I don't have an upper or lower belly ( as in excess fat in those areas). Since I had a baby, my stomach is quite rotund so that is what I want to see gone. Belly overhang, a lower belly pouch, has always been my signal of being overweight.
  • Based on what I know about men. The upper range of the BMI is great especially if you have some muscle. My husband would look scrawny 10 lbs below the upper point of his BMI. He is shorter with a large frame and more muscles and his ideal weight is around 150. That is pretty healthy, IMNSHO. Want to add that your BMI is…
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