eddiecoffin1 Member


  • It would be easier to help if you open your diary. Without that I will agree with everyone else that it might be water retention at best and inaccurate recording at worst .
  • Youre not shaky because your body is starving, you had 1200 cal and that's plenty for the day and you just started your diet, it's all in your head so just keep that in mind. If you REALLY feel you'll cheat if you don't have something soon, maybe make a big as plate of something without too many calories or not…
  • I have a BMI of 22 and would like to be 20 or at least in the lower end rather than the middle (I am pretty short tho)
  • CW 120 GW 103 H 5'1" A 27 I would love to have a weight loss buddy, Im currently in week 6 of C25K and loving it. I don't eat very healthy but try to stay within my 1200 cal, although I deviate often. If you need someone to harass you to log your calories let me know, I would love someone that does the same for me. Just…
  • Feel free to add me as well, although I don't have the most healthy diet (lotsa starvation days to make up for cosmopolitans :| )
  • Maybe start paying more attention to your macros might help, there might be some room for improvement there as you're already eating an adequate amount of calories.