tcunbeliever Member


  • I take DIM to offset the perimenopause symptoms, it seems to help a great deal...though they still sometimes flare up around PMS week, which is super least once menopause is official I'll only have to fight one hormone roller coaster.
  • thursday went well...increased the dim, kept carbs below 20...still feeling the massive hunger that never ends, but reaching for protein and staying away from snacks and I was able to keep to poverty levels of calories for a will be more of the same hopefully I did have a moment where I snacked on 2 cheese…
  • wed - maintenance still struggling with massive hunger I think it's likely hormonal, I have ordered an additional supplement, and doubled my DIM dosage...I am also having trouble sleeping and waking up at 4:30 am for no freaking reason so I do think it's just a combination of PMS week and peri-menopause hormone shifts I'm…
  • super slacking on the updates...let me sum up weekend was tolerable...lots of maintenance as we were eating on the road friday and saturday sunday was snow so lots of day drinking and no tracking this day monday was kind of slack and also maintenance, though I did do my glute workout at least tuesday was accidentally…
  • Building muscle will help in some areas, plus it's always nice to be stronger as we age, muscles help protect joint and bones...I definitely noticed that when I lose a large amount in one area it takes about 2 years for the skin to adapt, so don't get too worried about it in the beginning, just give it some time and it…
  • Thursday was solid despite having to improvise and eat at 5 guys their grilled cheese is delicious and saves some cals over a plain little burger which I find far less satisfying, so all in all, good choices made and still in goal for the day despite not being able to stick to plan today is a modified plan, but planned,…
  • down to 158 today after bouncing up to 159.6 a few days ago...think this is probably PMS so I won't get an accurate read on weight until after all the drama clears...ugh...I really should start tracking inches in addition...need to remember that tomorrow morning...sticking with the plan, yesterday was a hungry day and hard…
  • yesterday was in the living room at lunch, check...Xstretch before dinner, on target, mostly, was about 100 cals over to get in a protein shake before bed, totally worth it... next few days will be crazy...planning to shift Sat workout to Sun since Sat will be working on the insulation in the beach…
  • For me it's just not feasible to be at a calorie deficit every day, I end up going crazy and poverty days are the days I eat at a calorie deficit, versus maintenance days where I eat at maintenance calories... Poverty days are hard...I wish I had more calories to "spend" on those days...but I'd really like to…
  • You don't have to cut a ton of calories to go from gaining a little to losing a little...maybe just as simple as a salad every night with dinner to shift some of those savory calories just a tad bit lower with veggies. If you don't already know what you are eating, start with logging your food for 2-3 weeks and averaging…
  • Tuesday was good, poverty, plenty of protein, weights complete even though I had to break them into 2 sections to fit them in...did have to take an Aleve because I was so sore, but stayed away from the wine despite how tempting it was!!!
  • Jan SW - 157.6 Jan GW - 155 Been doing well since the power came back on, have a plan for the month for workouts, and going to stick to at least 5 poverty days a week...should be able to make goal as long as I follow the plan as designed and the scale doesn't go crazy on me!!!
  • Sunday was good, even got some walking in which is rare on a weekend but since we were home and just watching Supernatural we went ahead and did a mile between each episode until the rain started. Monday was a hungry hungry hippo day from the start, so opted to make it a maintenance day instead of trying to stick to…
  • Saturday was awesome, both workouts done, food on target, could have used a bit more protein, but it was a veggie dinner, so protein was actually really good all things considered...did some thrift store shopping and found cool stuff for the baby...also watched lots of supernatural, should have walked between episodes…
  • Long time no update... NY started great...exercise and food on target for several days Massive snowstorm on Monday the 3rd, almost a food of snow and no power for several days. We were fine, had my oldest son and his daughter here so he could go to work without having to drag her out on the tree strewn roads...we have a…
  • tues was a poverty day, wed more of a poverty day than the fast it was supposed to be, thursday is a poverty day, on target...recovery week workouts which is cool...tomorrow will be fasting until dinner, then having friends over for chili
  • monday was a nice 500 cal fast day...hard, but not too terrible...miso soup and rice cakes to the rescue when needed...down a pound today, so that's nice progress...hands still feel puffy...will eat poverty today...
  • Wed-Sat all included alcohol...not a lot but a drink here and super amounts of drinking...I did have like 5 or 6 whiskies on friday, but that was from like 5pm to about midnight, so just social drinking not getting trashed, though the calories still add was to appetite, not crazy, not stuffing…
  • tuesday - tracked and did well during the day...dinner was over at moms so didn't track that...then chatted on the phone with a friend until midnight and had 3 that's definitely likely to be a maintenance day, not likely a poverty one
  • @itstheo43 I don't see a friend request from you and you aren't in my friends list??? Will it let you resend the request???
  • Thursday - excellent, workouts done and food on target Friday - went to was mostly on target sans exercise and lots of time sitting Saturday - went to graduation...didn't really track food at all, but ate to exercise and lots of time sitting Sunday - visited friends...didn't…
  • yesterday was good, even had whiskey wednesday AND dinner out with the girls AND still kept to poverty calories...took some planning but I did it!!!! also down 3 lbs today, so that's nice...not still where I started even if the scale is still robbing me of 1 lb I lost
  • yesterday was good...less of a struggle...actually came in decent on protein too...always nice...managed to avoid the temptation presented by chicken alfredo and stick to chicken on my salad...also instant-potted some eggs for future salads...I think that will help make them "stick" a little longer... I did have a weird…
  • The current plan...
  • today is a huuuuungry day hate those such a challenge so far giant breakfast + protein shake lunch + planned cobb salad for dinner out no snacking
  • well, the scale has bounced up back to almost where I started at this point... friday was maintenance, had some drinks and such...sat and sun were poverty...workouts all around, ran on friday, weights over the weekend...super cool...picked up the child friday, dinner out sat and sun and STILL in poverty, it was an amazing…
  • currently down 3.4 lbs this month...a big chunk of which is Lucifer's Waterfall arriving and all that bloating and ickyness finally going's still nice to see...contemplating a final goal of under 140...we'll see how it goes as I get closer...currently 156.6 so, long ways to go
  • yesterday was great on the workouts and the food...forgot to get on the scale this morning though...however, progress is progress and I'm doing all the things!!!
  • I think I'm going to do Body Beast Jan-Mar 2022...calorie deficit, try to lean up some more...maybe with some running and either P90X3 or Brazil Butt Lift for cardio...need to work in some stretching too, been slack about that.
  • down another pound and a half...156.6 is the new number to's nice to see all the monthly water finally slide right off...I'll be sad when it halts, but happy when it's real fluff being lost after that!!!