

  • I'd say to aim for 110. I'm 5'3 and my goal is anywhere between 120-125.
  • Hi Jennifer! Most adult sized hoops are naturally weighted because they're made from a heavier tubing. I'm assuming you've been using a child sized hoop? If so, you'll be really impressed with how much easier an adult sized one is!!
  • depends how often you hoop and how prone to bruising you are. I'm 2 months in and have new bruises every week.
  • That's awesome Jenna! now that you can keep it up, you should try doing toe touches to the front, back and sides while hooping!
  • My hoops, both my collapsible and non, are from a local studio. My hooping teacher Monique makes them by hand based on your height and weather you are a plus size or petite hooper. She also ships them! You can order one here:
  • me too! Otherwise I just get some walking in for 25-50 mins a day. (to work, then occasionally home as well)
  • Hooping on one foot increases balance and strengthens the legs, as well as looking impressive ;)
  • I recently bought a collapsible weighted hoop from a friend who teaches a hooping class here in Halifax NS. I told myself I could totally do it at home, I don't need a class, but after a couple weeks of trying myself I found i might need a little instruction. I started a class 2 weeks ago and already with practice…
    in Hooping ? Comment by ttonks April 2012