cconant0728 Member


  • I've just recommitted to using MFP again along with 21 DF containers. Currently, I am in a challenge group for 22 Min Hard Corp and love it! I am going to be serious about this weight loss thing. I tend to do well for about 4 days then eat bad stuff.
  • My calories are the same as 21DF now. There were BB programs I was following that allowed more calories but I did not find that successful in losing weight.
    in 21DF Comment by cconant0728 April 2016
  • I am trying it now and am on day 2. I've been following 21DF for a few months but I am not good at tracking the containers.
    in 21DF Comment by cconant0728 April 2016
  • What is your goal? Lose weight or build muscle? I would not take the weekend off so you could get more workouts in. I only have one rest day a week but I vary the day depending on my schedule. You could double up your cardio with strength training to get more in.