bigheadmom Member


  • Steel oats are delicious. Quick oats are like wallpaper paste. I buy them at Aldi for under $4 a can. They aren't expensive. I cook enough for the week on Sunday since they take 20min to cook. I portion them out into ziplocs in the fridge. That way in the morning I can grab a baggie, and dump it into a bowl. I like mine…
  • I try to make something at every meal that my kids like. If I know they won't like a chicken marinade, I'll make theirs plain. They like creamed corn and mac & cheese. I really don't care for either, so it's no big deal for me to have those on the table. I just eat a bigger salad that night. I also buy them small bags of…
  • I read one of his books. I don't remember exactly how many carbs he recommended. I do know he recommended for women 1200 calories on low carb days, and 1500 on high carb days. You should always eat a complex carb at breakfast. Then a carb at every meal on your high days, and no more carbs on the low days. You also should…