

  • Don't panic...if you want it, and can fit it into your calories, have a slice or two. Any leftovers I would freeze to make it a little harder to just dive in. You could also kick up your exercise a little that day to help counter-balance the extra calories. EVERYTHING in moderation!!!!!
  • Welcome! You can do this...I know you can! Lean on your fitness pal friends to get you through...:) Best of luck!
  • Best of luck to you! I know you can do it!! Just joining this site is a great first step...:) I, myself, have about 80 pounds to lose, which I gained after open heart surgery four years's a long road, but a worth-wild one...good for you!
  • How about a vegetarian lasagna, three-bean salad, garden burgers...go to and look up some vegetarian recipes there. I've been a converted vegetarian for about three years's not easy sometimes, but there are so many good meat substitutes out there, I'm sure you'll find something that will work! Good…
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