anskibonbanski Member


  • I had a breast enlargement a few years back and that is not anywhere near as painful as a reduction... judging on how I felt after my surgery I would say definitely do not do the 30 day shred until you are fully healed. Maybe at least another month or two just to be on the safe side. I'm currently on day 2 of level 2 and…
  • Aw thanks! @emsylou77 I have cheated slightly with the curves... I had a boob job about 6 years ago!! ;-) I think the 2nd pic is from a slightly flattering angle... I still have quite a muffin top under there somewhere! It's definitely shrinking though!
  • Ah thank you. You're all so very sweet :-) @dgirllamius: I live just outside of Southampton. I don't blame you living in Germany instead now though... I know where I'd rather be lol! Please feel free to add me as a friend whoever reads this thread. Thanks again and well done to everyone on their weight loss! Tis not easy…
  • Thank you :-) I really appreciate your comments x
  • Aw thanks!! Also thanks for getting the pic up on here... couldn't figure that out for some reason! In case anyone wanted stats I am 5ft 10 and I started at 211lb... now 171lb :) xx