almcginn Member


  • Always be friendly! Of course.
  • I totally agree with 'Toad' on this one. I've been known to drop over a pound just doing my morning 'routine.' Also, if I had the choice to scrutinize either diet or workout routine, it would be diet. My personal experience is that losing weight is 80% diet (nutrition & caloric intake). My two cents..
  • Agree with JackDiesel, as most of us are NOT certified physicians. However, I can tell you that I encounter similar problems when playing sports that involve jumping/sprinting. I felt invincible until about 31 years of age (I'm almost 38). One of the drawbacks with aging is that your body take long to recover, hence why…
  • For me, I can say that with weight loss, diet is 80% of the solution, even if I'm working out like crazy. A couple questions for you: 1) How much weight are you talking when you gain or lose? Personally, my weight can fluctuate up to 3 pounds in a day. Thus, I always weigh myself at the same time every day (when I wake…
  • Refer to my earlier post. RTD 51 shakes are about 230 calories, depending on the flavor. 51g of protein (hence the name).
  • Totally agree. The poster who said the HRM doesn't work for weightlifting isn't necessarily correct. It's math: the calorie total is the integral of your heart rate over time (aka area under the curve) in excess of your resting heart rate. Here's a typical weights + cardio routine of mine: You do burn a good amount of…
  • Hey there. I actually don't use the generic activities to gage my calories burned. I use a heart rate monitor, and I make the calories on MFP match the calories burned using the monitor. A HRM is one of the best investments you can make when it comes to fitness! :)
  • Maybe it's the Naval officer in me, or maybe I'm being "insensitive" myself, but I find it weak that with as much success as you've had, you would care if other people picked apart your diary. You're the one who looks yourself in the mirror. Not them.
  • Couldn't have said it better. It's math. Numbers don't lie, my friends.
  • I love internet friends! Actually, I've only ever added people I know in person. But welcome to the message boards!
  • Boy, do I feel your pain. I don't have a good answer for you, but I know that numbers don't lie. There are tons of people on here that all have different plans that have led them to success. Some people swear by not eating breakfast. So eat is religiously (like me). I eat at night as well. There is one truth, though, Dawn:…
  • -I can see in my belly button :D -Just wearing clothes is so much better. I would always be so annoyed by my body cutting into my belt line, and I take it for granted that this is no longer the case.
  • Hey, Sarah. I actually have the opposite problem! I need to cut back on my protein. Here's a typical menu: 0600 - 2 hard boiled eggs, Zone Perfect bar OR Kashi cereal + 1 cup skim milk 0930 - Sardines + Ritz Toasted Crackers 1200 - Ham & Turkey wrap, fruit, Chobani yogurt…
  • More details, please. Are you just trying to cut what you eat, or are you exercising, too? In a rudimentary sense, weight loss = (how much you consume) - (how much you exercise) - (BMR). If that number is negative, then you will lose weight. However, it's not smart to starve yourself (aka be too calorie deficient), nor is…
  • This is why I eat breakfast: