magretton Member


  • thanks for all your input. I am definitely lacking in my diet. I am going to try and change and get more protein in that way. I will also try out some shakes here and there. It's hard to balance all the time!
  • Good luck! this is a great motivational tool!
  • Not sure why you are not losing weight. The only thing I can think of is that you are not eating enough. With all the exercise and muscle building you are doing you maybe burning too much. This has happened to a friend of mine. Are you plugging in your workouts with the correct calories that you've burned? Are you eating…
  • i have been losing weight on and off for the past 6 years. I've had two boys and had to lose all the baby weight twice. I have learned (for me personally) that I have to be "bad" time to time to satisfy that craving for greasy food. At least once a month, my husband go out to eat and then go right back on the diet the next…