sirena192005 Member


  • Thanks guys. To clarify, yes, I'm adjusting my goals every 10 pounds so I know my calorie needs are on. Also, the only reason I log things like cleaning my house are because I'm set to sedentary. Generally, if I'm just straightening up or doing a load of laundry, I don't log it. That's just daily life. What I will log is…
  • I'm a daily weigher. I log if it goes down. The only reason I weigh so often is because I am still having a block "seeing" the way I look now. To me, I still look like I did when I started, even though I'm 56 pounds lighter now. So I weight daily, which lets me see that I have made progress and it keeps me motivated. Even…
  • I just had to buy new pants yesterday, so I actually have something to contribute here. 5'9" Age: 27 SW: 328 Pants: Size 22 Shirt: 2XL CW: 277 Pants: Size 18 Shirt XL I was getting super frustrated because I was still wearing the same jeans I had been in, even though I've lost 52 pounds. They were baggy, but they still fit…
  • Breastfeeding CAN use up to 500 calories a day, with some caveats. First, it's only using that much if you're exclusively breastfeeding. Once you introduce other foods(around 4-6 months), your body stops making as much milk, and there's less fat content in the milk you're making, so the calories are less. A guide I've…
  • I can help with some of this but not all. First off, the estimated burn from exercise calories is almost always overestimated, so if you're eating them back, eat back about half. Second, if you just started a new exercise program, especially one high intensity, it is normal for your joints to retain water to help repair…
  • I take topirimate and don't experience the Dopamax side effect that some other do. However, I also don't experience the weight loss from it. I was losing at roughly 2 lbs per week before I started taking it(for migraines) and that hasn't changed since I started it. I did get some tingling in my hands, but it's only…
  • I weight each morning after bathroom, naked. I only log once a week, on Thursdays. The scale I use is an EatRight Precision, and I also have access at work to one of the physicians scales with the bar that you slide and the weights, so a couple times a month I come into work early and use it to make sure my scale is…
  • I weigh every day and log once a week, which seems to be a trend. I have noticed that when I travel on weekends and am eating out, even when I'm within my calories, because the salt is so high, I'll have 4-5 pounds of water weight that takes a whole week to come off once I'm home and that can make me obsessive. I've only…
  • I've been on Metformin off and on for almost 15 years because of PCOS. My blood sugar has always been normal with the exception of when I was pregnant. I had very mild gestational diabetes that I controlled with metformin and diet. No insulin needed. My OBGYN checks my A1C each year at my annual and it's normally between…
  • I just found this thread and it hits home for me. I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 11. I have had problem since my very first period. Twice I bled for so long I had to get shots to stop the bleeding(9 weeks one time and 13 weeks another time). I have excess hair on my face, stomach, thighs, breasts, you name it. I was…
  • This is the second time I've seriously tried to lose weight. I have poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. Several years ago, I decided to do it, worked out 5 days a week for 90 minutes a day and after 6 months.....lost 9 pounds. I became so frustrated that I gave up. Almost three years ago, I had my daughter, and about a month and…