

  • I am having the exact oppsite problem I thought I would - I am getting full from the shakes and not finishing them or just not getting a full 4 a day in. Which I know is not good at all!
  • Yeah I was ok'd to exercise - I have been working out and being active so I was ok'd to contine, just no viguerous workouts untill 2 weeks in.
  • Anyone else get wicked hot flashes when starting?
  • It's going good! 5lbs down according to my scale. I have done 4 workouts since Saturday, and have only cheated, with a handful of peanuts (still low carb) I struggle at night - I have always stopped after work for a coke and I miss my coke (fountain coke to me after work is like a glass of wine to other folks, LOL) and I…
  • Hi joy, yup I'll be going to McConnell! I will probably do one of the 5pm classes - I am not a morning person!! I go on Monday for my big 3 hour appointment and assume I will officially start Tuesday
    in Hello! Comment by jennchaps June 2014
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