SuziMM Member


  • I'm 5'4" HW: 177 (April 2011 - post baby) CW: 134 GW: ?? not sure My previous goal weight was 135, and I'm there... I'm not sure where I'm going next. I am mostly happy with this weight, but would like to be more toned. I am training for a half marathon this fall, which is said to be incompatible with weight loss because a…
  • You look AMAZING!!! :) Seriously, you are going to knock everyone's socks off!! I think the shoes are awesome (and I'm not usually adventurous with shoes) and as several other posters mentioned - wow, look at your calves!! All your hard work is really showing! Great job!!!
  • I was recently diagnosed, but I never had trouble with a lack of appetite. :blushing: That said, I have noticed that my appetite is actually a bit better since starting medication (I take Synthroid) but I'm not having as much trouble maintaining my weight.