

  • I was one of those people that nursed and didnt lose any weight at all, but then i found out i had a thyroid issue, fixed that, and then lost like 10lbs right away, but still i lose 5lbs and then i stay at that for like a month.. i try but my weight seems to stay at one spot.. im sure ill get there but frustrating. Thanks…
  • Oh and when it says you have 500 extra calories, what the heck does that mean, am i supposed to log it a certain way or is it just letting me know that?
  • So my program will still work out okay if im eating over what my goal is for the purpose of nursing? Sorry this is my first day at this! ha!
  • Yes I do nurse full time but she is now 8 1/2 months so eating table food now so only eating 4 to 6 times a day so only added like 350 calories or so..but thanks that helps! ;o)