tee323232 Member


  • My advise is do what works for you and the only way is trial and error. May be a good idea to time heavy leg workouts with high carb days. Do that a few times and you won't anymore
  • I think they're great for resetting how you eat as in starting with a clean slate. I've made it 30 days but had issues with introducing food back into my diet. Also a good way to become deficient if your not careful
  • I use to have a bad soda, energy drink habbit. I did a 100 % vegetable juice fast for two weeks and it reset everything. Built a new nutrition plan and haven't had a want or desire for any junk food since and no want for cheat days. A bit extreme
  • I'm 23. Oh wait, that was 20 yrs ago :-). Just wanted to get my first post in silly style. Good luck