Rlavigne93 Member


  • Some people find it easier to make healthy choices day to day if they know they aren't depriving themselves of junk food forever. I can see how it'd help people mentally. Most people here are on a deficit. If they eat just 100 calories under maintenance every day, then one day a month they could eat a whopping 3000…
  • I'm bad about snacking, too. Especially at work where there's always stuff to munch on. I started chewing gum a lot, especially mint flavors. I gave it up a few year back because it seemed like a nasty habit, but it's better than constantly snacking. I like 5 gum because the flavor lasts a good while, and it doesn't get…
  • Name's Rachel, PhatOutOfHell, or RogueRachiru depending on the circle. IRL working on fitting into a certain pair of red skinny jeans and trying to save money. Otherwise I'm delving into every Bioware game I've got until November 18. I'm actually rereading HP right now, watching each movie as I finish the book. All time…
  • I haven't been to a gym in about 4 years, definitely not since I've started losing weight. I workout every day, but I just do calisthenics at home. I think of them as gym class workouts. Crunches, pushups, lunges and such. For general weight loss it's not necessary, you can do plenty of strength training and cardio at home.
  • No butter and one or two colby snack cheeses. I've never done keto myself but my roommate lost a bunch of weight on it a few years ago. It seemed like she was constantly eating cheese and pepperoni. I'd guess she ate at least two pounds of it a DAY.
  • I like the binder idea, I may start one. Lately I've been keeping track of stuff in a composition notebook, trying to put all those lab notebook skills to use. I keep track of my progress with strength training, new workouts I'd like to try, and notes on various new health foods. What kind of stuff do you keep in your…
  • I usually grab some almonds or mixed nuts before, and then load up on protein after. I'm not sure if there's any science to back it up, but I feel like getting a bunch of fats or carbs before can kind of "trick" my body to using the protein after to repair muscle. So I can build muscle on a deficit.
  • I count from when I wake up till I go to bed. I work nights, so I usually sleep late and eat late. I wish there was some way to alter what time the day changes in my food diary. Every now and then, though, I "borrow" from the next day if I want to cheat a little I guess.
  • I drink some wine with dinner sometimes, but I had to give up drinking socially because it got hard to keep track. No one seems to mind, but I did end up being the default DD for every weekend.
  • I'm terrible at snacking if there's food lying around. I started chewing sugarfree gum a lot. I'm not a fan of gum chewers in general, but it's better than munching on chips and sweets.
  • Why not just cocoa powder? With some stevia or sugar for sweetness?
  • The Mifflin-St Jeor is generally considered the most accurate, I'd go with that one until you can get an accurate body fat reading with calipers or one of those things that send a mild electric current. Measuring tape isn't very good for body fat percentage because everyone carries fat differently. Going with that you'd be…
  • Have you tried Math Blaster? It's this goofy online thing where you're on a team trying to save the galaxy. The hide math problems in legit platformer games and such. I had the only 90s version when I was a kid and loved it. I would honestly still play it if I could find the disc. They have all kinds of difficulties. Now…
  • You can eat healthy on a budget, it's just difficult and boring I found. I think the pricier food helps, though. I'm slowly trading my unhealthy choices for good ones. Soda for yogurt. Beer for wine. TV dinners for quest bars. Fast food for fresh veggies. I've had to give up a few of my old recreational habits to save…
  • I've never understood the rush to settle down and get married. I'm only 21, and family's already pressuring me to settle down and start popping out kids...no thanks. Maybe it's just my area, but many people already have a kid or a divorce by my age. Yeah, I'd rather have fun and enjoy being able to do what I want whenever…
  • Yeah, the whole concept of macros was confusing at first. I'd only ever just aimed to be under on calories. Tracking them and getting them right changed my whole approach to health and weight loss. MFPs default settings are good starting points, but I used http://www.acaloriecounter.com/diet/ to figure mine out. It helps…
  • I looked into getting one and decided against it. They definitely seem to work well, and the syncing with your phone and MFP is pretty cool. I just couldn't justify the $100 price tag. Pedometers are pretty cheap and I have a free app on my phone for sleep tracking. I could definitely see getting one if I had the money to…
  • Greek yogurt with some fruit on the side, then a protein shake after I workout. I LOVE breakfast foods, but I'm too lazy to cook that early. I do eat scrambled eggs with dinner most nights though.
  • Greek yogurt and beans. Quest bars are pretty phenomenal, packing 20g of protein per bar, but they're pricey. And most if not all have nuts in them, but they're all individually sealed if that makes a difference.
  • I'm a fan of soy milk over almond, you get more protein and some good fat that way. I switched to only eating Total cereal, it's 100 calories a serving and chock full of good nutrients. In general, greek yogurt. In everything. Anything that calls for sour cream or cream cheese, I'd suggest greek yogurt instead. No fat,…
  • Dance and zumba-esque workouts are the best I could think of to kind of sneak it in. I like to get on an elliptical, jam to the Pacific Rim soundtrack, and pretend I'm piloting a jaeger. Dorky and lame, but let me tell ya 30 minutes flies by and I hardly notice the workout till my legs are screaming the next day.
  • ^^This As far as actual supplements. I've heard apple cider vinegar suppresses appetite. I take it every day for the rumored healthy effect it has on your heart. My appetite it definitely down, but that's probably thanks to my overall better diet and extra fiber. They sell pills of it, but I just mix a few tablespoons in a…
  • I'm soo excited! I have to wait till they post it on Amazon tomorrow though, no TV :(
  • Request sent. I'm on every day and pretty active on the site!
  • I remember reading somewhere that you should take at least one day a week with no strength training, and only light cardio. Gives your body a chance to rest and repair. Otherwise, as much as you'd like. I have 5 days a week regular workouts, one day off, and one hardcore where I experiment with new stuff.
  • I love Dark Tower. So much. Past few times I've reread them, though, I stop halfway through the last book. Everything that happens, I just can't handle it. :/ Reading: Currently working through the Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz. I just finished The Maze Runner trilogy, pretty great. Playing: Mass Effect 2 currently. I'm…
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition. It's pretty much the only game I care about this year. Still debating on getting it for 360 or next gen though.
  • Omigosh I am so incredibly jealous! I can't imagine being somewhere that wonderful ALL the time.