kristylynn83 Member


  • I just got put on it yesterday. I have about 60+lbs to lose and I have always worked out and tried to eat healthy but I just keep gaining. I'm hoping that this will help me not feel like I'm starving as I try to stick to the 1000 calories diet he put me on. I'm also worried that once I stop taking it any weight I'd lost…
  • Thanks for your suggestions! I ordered the whole starter kit, and a month supply of the XMpm pills too. They should be here tomorrow, I'm excited to try them! Thanks for the heads up too on the automatic reordering. I'll have to make sure that doesn't happen. I tried finding the product on Amazon but only found the…
  • Would you recommend trying the whole entire product line at first, or would you say there's once specific product that really worked well for you? I'm pretty much willing to try anything. I do boot camp 3 mornings a week, and run 3 other days during the week, and am pretty dedicated (but could always do better) to MFP, but…