

  • Thank you! I really appreciate you sharing with me. :smile: It helps to hear about what others are doing.
  • Thank you for the link- I've seen it before and the information is just too confusing for me. I went out to the TDE site recommended and according to that site for my goal weight of 148 lbs I should be eating 1401 BMR calories and 759 Activity calories for a total of 2160 per day. Trouble is I've only been tracking for 3…
  • Hello everyone! I'm new to MFP and have just started to really track my food and exercise. I'm 43 years old, married mom to 3. I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism since 2009 and take Synthroid (tried Armour for a few months- did not work as well for me). I'm 5'6 and weighed 194 when I started MFP and lost 6 pounds in…