keegan2149 Member


  • Yes insulin without excess sugar isn't bad. It's just a hormone. That's like saying pumping gas with a lit match is the same as pumping gas without one. Also, is it just me or is defending sugar on a weight loss site a bit like defending social drinking at an AA meeting? I mean if sugar were completely harmless at least…
  • No offense but you're also 21. Your metabolism is as fast as it will ever be. Try regular trips to DQ in your 30's or 40's. :)
  • I said the same thing. Maybe I just worded it wrong? Sugar is not bad and sugar stored as fat can be burned later. Protein and fiber help slow sugar absorption. Did I miss anything?
  • Not trolling. What haven't I answered?
  • everyone stop eating sugar of any sort forever, said no one EVER! :/
  • Not anti-sugar, not pro-sugar either. It's interesting that most of the people arguing with me probably don't eat a lot of sweets. That's kind of the point of MFP in the first place. Lastly you didn't answer my question. The comparison of causation and correlation is irrelevant because there is no correlation until someone…
  • Please post a link anything that verifies this. I got my information from a family member who is in the medical field. I'm just trying to help fight disinformation since the things this person taught me are the reason why I'm healthier today. Maybe I'll try the Socratic method.. Despite what happened to Socrates. The human…
  • It depends on a lot of factors. People jump to calorie deficits because that's all they can grasp sometimes. Sugars is a toxin as well. If you eat enough of it your liver can't turn it into glucose fast enough so it uses the insulin to store it as fat. This only happens when you eat a lot of sugar at once with no fiber to…
  • So you're saying that correlation doesn't equal causation, but the assumption (still unverified) that there are countries that eat as much sugar as us that aren't obese is an argument for eating sugar? Where's the causation there?
  • It's not that simple. I'm not saying never eat sugar, just that sugar without fiber is stored as fat because of how fast the sugar goes into the blood stream. This is the basis for things like the Adkins diet. Not sure why everyone is jumping down my throat now. I'd post links if I thought people would read them.
  • How does the insulin response work if it doesn't work the way I think it does? Also, where did you get the information from. I'm not being rude, just frustrated with all the misinformation out there.
  • I can't believe there are so many people that believe there is no such thing as in insulin response. Google it. Ask a doctor.
  • He only did it for 10 weeks and he was drinking protein. As I told the other misguided soul that weight could have been muscle, water, organ tissue, or bone. Not only that we started out with a BMI of 28.8 which is in the obesity range. Anyone that heavy that lowers their calorie intake to 1800 and works out for four…
  • More bad info... If you have a article or study that says going to DQ every day is not detrimental to fitness please post it. It will literally change my life! That pound and a half could have been muscle, organ tissue, bone mass, or even just water. If you were doing cardio that week my guess is that you lost muscle which…
  • There are no countries that consume as much sugar as we do and have low obesity rates...
  • Wow lots of bad info on this thread.... For those that eat too much sugar and still lose weight it depends on how fast you eat it. If you repeatedly eat 40 - 50g of sugar in one sitting (cake, pie, soda every day) and nothing else all day you will gain weight. If you drink iced tea and gatorade throughout the day and…
  • The answer is it depends. Sugar is processed by your liver using insulin. Hence the term insulin response. If you eat enough sugar your liver will not be able to process the sugar fast enough. In order to keep it from causing damage to the rest of the body (sugar is technically a toxin) it asks for a bunch of insulin from…
  • I think it's healthy to feel a little guilt if you're not exercising. The longer you exercise the more of a habit it becomes. Hopefully you just miss the gym and don't feel guilty for being sick. You're only human after all. I would stay out of the gym especially if you're contagious or something. If you need the rest it's…
  • Anything with grains is ok. Bread really isn't that bad for you as long as your diet is balanced. Four or more grams of fiber and around 100 calories per slice is probably the best you can do. Tortillas aren't great. They have twice the calories and don't fill you up as much. That's why they taste so good lol. A friend of…
  • There are a lot of factors that contribute to hunger. The most simple is your body reacting to changes in nutrition. A new program or not eating enough can cause your brain to release hormones to cause you to eat. It depends on how big your deficit is. It doesn't know you're working on your abs and thinks it's preventing…
  • From what I hear both work but lifting to failure is more effective in building muscle because it puts more stress on the existing muscle fibers. Muscle is rebuilt during your rest period not during your workout. As long as your doing something that challenges your muscles they will grow in response. It's worth mentioning…
  • Some of the calculations on this site are off but this one sounds legit. Here's another calculator. One thing they don't account for is heart rate or difficulty so the exact amount of calories can still vary.
  • There are different types of protein. I use whey isolate for post-workout and whey concentrate for meal replacement. (may have gotten that backwards) That $75 bucks easily lasts me six months or more. It's probably about the same as what I spend on eggs, milk and cottage cheese in a month. Do you have a gym membership? If…
  • How do you embed pics in your messages?
  • I'll add you man. Some people aren't comfortable with the idea of their significant other talking to the opposite sex on the internet. I think you should work on that. That's weird that someone reported this thread. It's as if anything that says guys only is automatically sexist.
  • I know this sounds sexist but just be glad you're a guy. Weight/resistance training is the answer. Our culture turns women away from the weight room and it sucks. Those that do lift spend the entire time being ogled by meatheads, but I digress. First you have to decide what your goals are. 5'11 196 doesn't sound that bad…
  • One of the best things about sites/apps like this is to get an idea of what you're eating and how it is affecting your health. When I first started I began memorizing the calories in everything so I could log them later. I noticed that the things I wasn't sure about logging were things I probably should stop eating. Snacks…
  • I agree with everyone that advised to try other exercise or modified push-ups. As a guy push-ups seem like this shiny fitness goal in the sky, but there are plenty of other exercise to start out with. Just start out with what you can do and work from there. You should be careful of nutrition. I'm not sure what your body…