Add me too
pls add
add me i accept all - but i do delete inactive members - after 3/4 mounths
add me trying to exercise daily some times twice - all adds welcome
my goal is to complete the insanity work out programme - from start to finish no hic ups or injuries
all adds welcomed
pls add was doing well b4 baby was born and getting back into it now 7 months on - i do delete if you dont log on for 3 months or more and my diary is hidden, i dont always comment but i do like status ect.
(-onion /mushrooms-optional) microwave container's Butchers Mince - Mince Beef, 300 g - Packet Dry Spaghetti, 0.5 container (500 g (boiled) - Garlic Puree - Italian Tomato Purée Double Concentrate, 100 g Spices - Salt, table, 2 dash Spices - Pepper, black, 2 dash Chopped Tomatoes (400g), tin of tomatoes in saucepan - with…
yea it calculates your average daily uses
a little muscle is sexy shows curves that's hot hot hot , too much reminds me of he-man but that's down to personal opinion and shouldn't mater to you.
i ant saying anything that would incriminate me - but im good now promise
im a newbie who needs some friends add me to pls
just started week 2 add me pls
just joined yesterday and trying to find some friends i think ill be on here every day . ive just started working out about a mouth or so and only discovered this yesterday