robocats9 Member


  • You look great! Purple is a great color on you, too! I love that you're smiling in most all of your pictures, it brings out your cute dimples (I have a dimple bias because I have them hahaha) Keep up the good work!
  • I would like to start by giving a general disclaimer that I am in no way a doctor or medical professional. I have had asthma all my life, I know exercise may induce symptoms in some people-especially those with allergies. I don't know your case or medical history, nor am I qualified to speculate that this is what you have.…
  • I think one key for me is that when I do have success sometimes I allow myself to slip into old, bad habits I DO notice it happening but I don't do anything about it. I get into that, I'll get back on the wagon tomorrow sort of mentality. I bet a lot of people who gain back weight lost do have signs that they are slipping…
  • Do it all for yourself and keep your eye on the prize. If your husband can't be supportive maybe he'll jump on board when he sees you keeping at it. Even if he doesn't, continuing working on yourself is always a good thing. Get yourself some supportive MFP friends-I'm sending a request after I post this :) I know I am my…
  • Hey there. I am 44 and trying my hardest to get my weight off properly as well. I haven't been on MFP long but long enough to see there are plenty of people who are over 40 who have lost and kept weight off, I figure I have as good a shot as they do. I have a Fitbit one, I forget to wear it or charge it but it really is…
  • Thanks, Christi. I know if I try to bite off the whole thing all at once I will fail, I lost the first 40ish with small adjustments. I am not trying to hurry to the finish line because if I do that I won't learn anything and I will put all the weight right back on where it came off-and probably more. With gradual tweaks to…
  • What do you mean at your age, you're only 2 ish years older than me and I think we're young! hahaha. Sounds like you're on the right track and have the right frame of mind. Best of luck to you chasing the dream!